Portugal Sport and Adventure

Accessible Adventures in Portugal

accessible adventures in Portugal

Many of Portugal Sport and Adventure's activities are accessible for people with disabilities. We are continuously working with our guides to improve accessibility to our activities. If you can't find the activity you are interested in or you are not sure if it is suitable please contact us.

Clients with moderate or severe physical disabilities

activities for people with disabilities in PortugalYou may have noticed the little silver icon on our site. This highlights activities that may be suitable for clients with moderate or severe physical disabilities. Please contact us to discuss the practicalities

Clients with visual impairments

Extra help and support is available from guides if required.

Clients with hearing impairment

If you have a hearing impairment please let us know when booking your trip so we can ensure that any briefings are given in a suitable format.

Clients with learning disabilities

Clients with learning disabilities are welcome to join our trips. Please let us know if you require additional guides or support (for example if you are coming in a group).

On booking please inform us of any conditions or special requirements that you think we should be aware of to help us ensure that you have a hassle free, fun trip. We can also recommend accommodation and equipment rental if required. You may be interested in visiting our sister site: Freewheeling Portugal.

accessible holidays in Portugal

Please use the form below to contact us with any questions or to book a trip.

Contact Us

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Thank-you for your interest in our accessible adventures we hope to see you soon.

Why not follow us on Facebook for updates on our activities and holidays.

Talk to Us Online!

Click to Call!

Please leave a message if contacting us out of office hours.
Call or text (SMS) 00351 910 668 600 or 00351 910 690 926 9am - 6pm GMT

Licensed Travel Agency RNAVT 5595.

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