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Algarve Adventure and Activity Holidays

There are a wide range of Algarve adventure and activity holidays available to suit all ages, tastes and budgets from wet and wild watersports to airbourne adventures and relaxing country retreats. The Algarve coastline, tranquil countryside and mild, sunny climate are ideally suited to outdoor life and many activities are available all year round.

Activities you can do in the Algarve include:
  • Air sports including paragliding, paramotor, hot air balloons, scenic flights and skydiving.
  • Canoeing and kayaking
  • Cycling and mountain biking
  • Diving for beginners and experienced divers
  • Fishing
  • Hiking
  • Horse Riding
  • Motor Racing
  • Quad biking and buggy tours
  • Guided jeep, hiking or cycling tours
  • Rock climbing
  • Sailing and boat trips
  • Watersports including surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing parasailing and more
  • Yoga, tai chi and holistic retreats

  • So whether you are looking for a full on Algarve adventure or just the chance to unwind and escape the stresses of everyday life there is an experience for everyone.

    We can tailor-make an Algarve adventure or activity holiday for you. The holiday could focus on a particular activity that is a passion of yours or that you would like to learn such as yoga, horse-riding or surfing or you might prefer a multi-activity holiday sampling a little of everything. Individuals, families and groups are welcome.

    You might be interested to learn that Portugal Sport and Adventure has partnerships with selected hotels, guesthouses and cottages in the Algarve so that we can offer discounted rates to our clients. These can be booked with the activities or separately. So please contact us for recommendations and help booking your Algarve adventure or activity holiday.
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    For updates on Algarve adventure and activity days and holidays why not join our facebook group?

    Thank-you for your interest in the Algarve we hope to see you soon.

    all Algarve adventure photos are subject to copyright

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    Licensed Travel Agency RNAVT 5595.

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