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Algarve Horse Riding

Algarve horse riding

The Algarve horse riding centre is in a fantastic location for riding with an abundance of sandy tracks through pinewoods and open land dotted with wild flowers and herbs, and close to golden sandy beaches and a beautiful nature reserve. Set near Quinta do Lago the Algarve's most luxurious holiday resort the Algarve horse riding centre is a British run riding school with qualified instructors and trek leaders who speak English, Portuguese, French, Spanish and German. The centre uses well trained, pure and part bred Lusitano horses and ponies for the children. It caters for all ages and is also Portugal's leading centre for Riding for the Disabled riders. The centre currently offers riding lessons and treks and can tailor make a holiday package for you.

Algarve Horse Riding Treks

We offer rides out for all levels. All treks leaders are experienced riders and qualified first aiders, with an excellent knowledge of the trails and local flora and fauna and they carry a mobile phone.

Nature Rides for Beginners A wonderful way for beginner riders to enjoy the countryside on horseback, on the safety of a lead rein if required. The ride will take you past the distinctive local Cork and Carob trees and you should be on the look out for the Azul-winged Magpies, lizards and rabbits.

Treks for Novice Riders Walking and trotting through the pinewoods beside the golf course and lakes. In spring wild flowers abound and the area attracts a wealth of bird life. These treks are all offroad and the route is often scented by thyme, rosemary and the "curry" plant.

Hacks for Confident Riders There are one and two hour hacks for riders who are competent and confident to canter outside of the arena. The one hour hacks take place in the same area as the treks but at a faster pace. Two hour hacks explore further afield in the Ludo Valley past orange groves, old farm houses and perhaps a flock of sheep accompanied by a shepherd and his dog. Various tracks run alongside the sand dunes, tidal lagoons and through pine forests so on each ride you can discover more of the unspoilt, natural beauty of this area.

Special Rides For riders of hack standard there are a number of special rides available including picnic or barbecue rides, sunset and full moon rides. Non riders are welcome to come along by car and join the meal.

Algarve horse riding lessons

Combining expert tuition with a relaxed holiday environment can enable riders to get the best from their riding. The riding centre offers lessons for children and adults at all levels in a 60 x 40m dressage and jumping arena and another smaller 30m x 15m arena. Video analysis is available for indepth study.

The Algarve horse riding centre has changing rooms, toilets and a shower and villa accommodation on site. Riding equipment can be supplied and the centre can cater for riders up to 88kg/14 stone. There is a ramp for wheelchair access.

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Thank you for your interest in our Algarve horse riding trips. We hope to see you soon.

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Call or text (SMS) 00351 910 668 600 or 00351 910 690 926 9am - 6pm GMT

Licensed Travel Agency RNAVT 5595.

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