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Car Hire in the Algarve

car hire Algarve

We are now offering car hire in the Algarve at a very competitive price- get an instant, commitment free quote using the form below.

There are many fantastic days out in the Algarve both on and off the beaten track so whether your passion if for exploring historical towns, discovering hidden beaches or adrenalin packed days on the coast and country car hire is well worth considering. If you're bringing bulkier sports equipment such as golf clubs, camping or fishing gear you will see that estate cars are also available.

Get an Instant Quote for Car Hire in the Algarve

Please use the form below to get a commitment free quote for car hire in the Algarve
Unless otherwise stated prices for car hire in the Algarve include unlimited mileage in Portugal, comprehensive collision insurance, VAT and all taxes. Optional extras such as child and baby seats are available.

When you book car hire in the Algarve with us you can choose collection and drop off at Faro Airport or we also offer delivery and collection from your hotel, villa or apartment in the Algarve. On arrival, a professional and friendly employee will guide you through the car rental formalities and how your particular car operates. This service is provided by a company with over 30 years experience of car hire in the Algarve and a fleet of 400 cars with an average age of 9 months so you can be assured of a safe, comfortable journey.

If you have any questions regarding driving or car hire in the Algarve or elsewhere in Portugal please contact us using the form below.

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Please use this form to get a quote for car hire

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Thank-you for your interest in car hire in the Algarve. We hope to see you soon.

In addition to car hire in the Algarve we also offer campervan hire in Portugal

Our guide to fun things to do in the Algarve

Call or text (SMS) 00351 910 668 600 or 00351 910 690 926 9am - 6pm GMT

Licensed Travel Agency RNAVT 5595.

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