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Carp Fishing in Portugal

carp fishing in Portugal

Carp fishing in Portugal is a must do for anglers! You are in for a treat- there are many great waters that have barely been touched and yet more waiting to be explored. Unlike the huge carp waters of the UK for example, the fish here, in some waters, have never even seen a boilie so have a tendancy to grow long and powerful rather than pot bellied! The record for one popular fishery near the Spanish border is just under 60lb and other local waters have also produced carp of this size.

Our expert guide is a carp specialist with over 30 years of match angling experience. His passion and knowledge of these waters are just what you need to take on Portugal's carp and to have a fun holiday!

We supply everything you need and a choice of carp and match gear is available. Experienced and beginner anglers and families are welcome. Under our guide's instruction even complete novices have a great chance of a good catch!

We currently offer guided one day and two night carp fishing trips and also dedicated fishing holidays. The holidays are based in the popular seaside town of Peniche, also renowned for sea fishing and water sports. Non-fishing family members are welcome at the b&b and can enjoy all the attractions of the coast while you fish. Please ask us for acommodation rates and ideas for non fishing family or friends!

Carp Fishing in Portugal Day Trip

One day's local fishing with guide costs €48 including experienced guide, fishing license, match tackle rental, bait- particles, method mix and ground bait, fuel, picnic lunch and dinner at the b&b.

Specimen Fishing Trip

The standard specimen fishing trip is a two night trip sleeping in a bivvy and returning on the third day. It includes fishing guide and license, breakfast at the b&b on the first day to fortify you for the trip ahead, all food and drink while you are out, transport to the fishing spot (including tolls and fuel), carp gear tackle rental: bivvy, bed, 2 x carp rods, delkims, solar rod pod, spod rod, marker rod, sleeping bag, all bait: particles, boilies, method mix and beers! It is €170 and you can add extra days at &euro:45 per day.

Transfers from Lisbon are available as an optional extra.

Please use the form below or email us with any questions about carp fishing in Portugal.

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Portugal fishing holidays

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Please leave a message if contacting us out of office hours.
Whats App: 00351910668600 (Mon-Fri 9-6) or 00447729661432

the catch!

Portugal sport fishing

We also offer sea and big game fishing trips if you'd like a mixed fishing holiday.

sea fishing

Call or text (SMS) 00351 910 668 600 or 00351 910 690 926 9am - 6pm GMT

Licensed Travel Agency RNAVT 5595.

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