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The Climate in Portugal

A beach in the Algarve

If you want to sum up the climate in Portugal in one word it has to be sunny. In fact the weather is one of the reasons the country is so popular with visitors. For fans of sport and adventure it often means being able to indulge in their passion all year around. So if it's grey and miserable at home, check out today's temperature in Portugal.

In general Portugal is a country of long summer days and comparatively mild winters. However the weather varies quite considerably around the country and is generally milder on the west coast than inland.

If you've already planned your holiday and just want to know for example what's the weather like in Portugal in July or if its hot in the Algarve in September then jump straight to the Algarve, the Alentejo, Lisbon, Central Portugal, the North, Madeira or the Azores. Or you can continue reading for detailed information on the climate in Portugal.

Personally I think that spring and autumn are the best times of year for adventure holidays in most of Portugal. At this time of the year many regions are pleasantly warm, but not too hot to do sport, the countryside is carpeted with flowers and there are fewer other tourists about. If you adore the sunshine though you can't beat those long summer days.

I hope this page will help you plan your holiday to Portugal or satisfy any curiosity about today's weather in Portugal!

The Climate in Portugal

The Algarve has a meditteranean climate with short mild winters, early springs and long hot summers. The west coast is generally slightly cooler than the east.

Average temperatures in Vilamoura:
January to March 17ºC/ 63ºF,
April to June 22ºC/72ºF,
July to September 27ºC/81ºF,
October to December 18ºC/64ºF.

The Alentejo has hot, dry summers and cool winters.

Average temperatures in Evora:
January to March 10.5ºC/ 51ºF,
April to June 17ºC/63ºF,
July to September 28ºC/83ºF,
October to December 13ºC/56ºF.

Lisbon and the surrounding area have the usual hot summers but the winters can be a bit damp.

Average temperatures in Estoril:
January to March 17ºC/ 63ºF,
April to June 22ºC/72ºF,
July to September 26ºC/79ºF,
October to December 17ºC/63ºF.

In the North and central regions, the summers are very warm or hot and winters are chilly. From autumn to spring there can be quite a bit of rain on the north-west coast between Porto and Viana do Castelo which after all is what makes it so beautiful and green.

Average temperatures in Coimbra (half way between Lisbon and Porto)
January to March 11ºC/ 52ºF,
April to June 17ºC/63ºF,
July to September 22ºC/71ºF,
October to December 14ºC/57ºF.

Average temperatures in Guarda (central Portugal)
January to March 5ºC/ 41ºF,
April to June 12ºC/53ºF,
July to September 18ºC/65ºF,
October to December 8ºC/46ºF.

Average temperatures in Porto
January to March 10ºC/ 50ºF,
April to June 15ºC/60ºF,
July to September 20ºC/67ºF,
October to December 13ºC/55ºF.

The climate in Madeira and the Azores

Madeira is sub-tropical and very mild.

The average temperatures are:
January to March 19ºC/ 70ºF,
April to June 22ºC/71ºF,
July to September 25ºC/77ºF,
October to December 21ºC/70ºF.

The Azores are also mild all year around.

The average temperatures are;
January to March 17ºC/ 63ºF,
April to June 20ºC/66ºF,
July to September 24ºC/75ºF,
October to December 19ºC/70ºF

What's the weather like in Portugal today?

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climate in Portugal photos copyright: Sebastian Veit, Sergio Viegas

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