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Whales and Dolphins in the Azores

our photos of wild whales and dolphins in the Azores

Are you looking for a holiday that you'll never forget? We are a young company based on Pico in the Azores and we want to show you the best of the island by land and by sea with activities including

  • watching whales and dolphins in the Azores,

  • scuba diving

  • boat trips

  • a boat taxi service between the islands

  • walking and bike trails

  • jeep tours

  • climbing Mount Pico

  • complete packages with accommodation, car hire and activities

  • Our aim is to cultivate a sense of adventure and exploration and share with you our passion for this island's natural beauty, wildlife, history and culture. We want to protect and promote the environment and marine life of the Azores and of course have lots of fun doing it! All our activities are insured and our guides experienced and licensed.

    Dolphins and Whales

    One of the most fascinating and memorable experiences you can have in the Azores is to watch wild whales and dolphins surfacing, diving, feeding and going about their every day lifes.

    The warmth of the gulf stream attracts whales, dolphins and other sea life to the Azores. Of a total of 80 species of whales that inhabit our planet, 24 choose the Azores for reproduction, rest and feeding. This makes the Azores one of the bext places in the world to see wild whales and dolphins.

    The Azores also provide a haven for sea birds and migratory birds crossing the North Atlantic so it really is a must for nature lovers. As well as watching the whales and swimming with the dolphins in the Azores, it is also possible to film or photograph them underwater while diving. If you are interested in doing this we need at least 60 days notice in order to get you the necessary license from the Ministry for the Enviornment and Sea- Azores. On all our boat trips we always treat the whales, dolphins and other sealife with the utmost respect and make their well being a priority. As well as single trips dolphin and whale watching is also available as part of a package with accommodation, car hire and activities

    dolphins in the Azores

    Scuba Diving

    Explore the underwater world of the Azores and get up close and personal with its beautiful and surprising sea life and intriguing rock formations

    diving in the Azores

    Boat Trips

    Get a new perspective on Pico and/or Faial's coast line with an outing in our Bombard Explorer ten seater motor boat. The coast is dotted with striking rock formations, lovely views of the islands and you should keep an eye out for dolphins, whales and seabirds.

    Azores boat trip

    Boat Taxi

    The most stylish and memorable way to travel between the islands! Travel between Pico and Faial, Pico and São Jorge-Velas and Faial and São Jorge-Velas.

    Contact Us
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    You can use this form to ask for more information or to book your trip.
    Other Activities
    Please contact us for more details

    Thank-you for your interest in our coast and the whales and dolphins in the Azores. Please contact us with any questions or for more information about our activities or the Azores We hope to see you here soon!

    Talk to Us Online!

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    Please leave a message if contacting us out of office hours.
    Whats App: 00351910668600

    dolphins in the azores

    the azores

    cycling in the azores

    dolphins in the azores

    walking in the azores

    Call or text (SMS) 00351 910 668 600 or 00351 910 690 926 9am - 6pm GMT

    Licensed Travel Agency RNAVT 5595.

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