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An Interactive Map of Portugal

The beauty of this map of Portugal is that you can use the plus and minus buttons to zoom in or out of the map and the arrows to move up or down the country so you can see each region in much more detail.

If you want to find out more about Portugal, would like to learn the language or want a road map of the country, then why not take a look at these recommendations.

Browse for Portugal Books and Maps
General Guidebooks, guides to Madeira, and the Azores, and detailed guides to each region: Lisbon, Southern Portugal and Northern Portugal and finally learn the language

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General Guidebooks- the most recent editions of all the old favourites and a detailed road map.

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Madeira, a general guide, a 'walk and eat' guide and a map

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Azores, a general guide, a guide to walks and a map

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Lisbon, the Algarve and Southern Portugal and Porto and Northern Portugal

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Learn the Lingo- a phrasebook with a CD, a more detailed language course with a CD, and a picture dictionary for kids or anyone! All these books teach Portuguese from Portugal- (it's different from Brazilian Portuguese so always check before you buy any other books or courses)

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Map of Portugal from Wilkimapia

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