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My Portugal Sport and Adventure

Portimao marina

The latest stories and photos from the Portugal Sport and Adventure team and other energetic travellers.

We hope this page will help inspire you and let you dream of sunny holidays!

Been there, done that?

Can you recommend a particular destination in Portugal or activity? Or have you got great photos you'd like to share? We'd love to hear about your holidays and what you got up to so send us your Portugal sport and adventure stories.

Stories and Reviews


Birdwatching at Ria Formosa Nature Reserve a bird lover's paradise in the Algarve.


Paddling in Portugal canoeing around Carvoeiro in the Algarve

Sea canoeing off Alvor in the Algarve


Portugal's highest mountain Mount Pico in the Azores


Toboggans in Madeira riding traditional wicker toboggans at up to 48km per hour and with no snow!


Walking in Peneda Geres, a beautiful and very rural national park in Northern Portugal.

Whale and Dolphin Watching

Whale watching off the Azores close encounters with killer, fin and blue whales, dolphins and turtles

Dolphins in Albufeira exploring the Algarve's beautiful coastline on a caves and dolphin watching tour

photo copyright Miguel Veterano

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