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Central Portugal Surf Camp

riding holiday

photos from our Portugal surf camp and school

If you want ...
  • To learn how to surf better
  • To relax and have fun
  • To discover the beauty of central Portugal
  • To try tasty Portuguese food
  • To meet new people
  • To feel at home
Join us for a surfing adventure!

At our Portugal surf camp we offer you an extraordinary surf experience away from the crowded, touristy beaches. Imagine just you, your board and the waves surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. We run surfing courses for beginners of all ages and will guide advanced surfers around all the top surf spots near Figueira da Foz. Then after a good day's surfing, you can relax with a cold drink in the chill out area and enjoy good local food in a friendly family atmosphere.

Our central Portugal surf camp is located in Figueira da Foz, a seaside town between Lisbon and Oporto. Here, along a 100km stretch of coastline you'll find many beautiful beaches that offer excellent surfing conditions.

Our surf camp is open from May to September. Our instructors are very experienced and knowledgable so the tuition is first class and your surfing will improve quickly. At the camp you'll learn how to surf on peaceful beaches, in close contact with nature; ensuring a holiday that is both challenging and very relaxing. You will have the opportunity to surf on a number of different beaches which will be chosen in accordance with the sea and weather conditions

The price of the Portugal Surf camp program includes:
  • Transportation to the best surf spot of the day.
  • Theory lessons on the beach.
  • Practical lessons in the sea.
  • Light lunch at the beach.
  • Transport back to the surf camp at the end of the day.
  • Surf camp dinner.
Every one is free to surf as much or as little as they want.

At the Surf Camp
Sleeping Arrangements: You'll sleep in tent with a mattress and pillow on a private campsite with a quiet friendly atmosphere
Meals: You'll have breakfast at the camp, lunch on the beach and dinner at the camp. Some dinners (fish or meat) will be cooked on open-air barbecues. All the evening meals will be traditional Portuguese food, very nutritious and tasty .
Relaxing: At the end of the day, after dinner, you will be able to relax chatting or listening to your music in a private area and gathering your strength for the next day's surfing

The prices for the Portugal surf camp include daily two hour tuition, use of equipment, transport to and from the surf spot, accomodation and meals.
3 days €210, 5 days €350, 13 days €780. Discounts for under 14s and for non-surfing partners.

We also offer surf trips for experienced surfer, please contact us for more details.

Contact Us
Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
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Last Name
E-mail Address*
Please use this form for more information or to book your trip

Thank-you for your interest in our Portugal surf camp we hope to see you soon.

all Portugal surf camp photos are subject to copyright

Talk to Us Online!

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Please leave a message if contacting us out of office hours.
Whats App: 00351910668600

surf camp


surfing near Figueira da Foz

learn to surf

the end of a great day's surfing

Call or text (SMS) 00351 910 668 600 or 00351 910 690 926 9am - 6pm GMT

Licensed Travel Agency RNAVT 5595.

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