Portugal Sport and Adventure

Portugal Tennis Holidays

tennis holiday

If you are looking for expert tennis coaching, it feels like a long time until the next tennis season or you just want to keep your hand in during your holiday, then Portugal is the destination for you.

In Portugal tennis is a very popular sport and thanks to the sunny climate, it is played all year around.

There are many well-established tennis clubs and academies, offering high quality facilities and a variety of courts. Visitors are usually welcome so round up your friends or challenge a local to a game or two! With many clubs and hotels employing excellent, professional English speaking coaches, why not take the opportunity to fine tune your game? All levels are catered for and you may have the opportunity to take part in local competitions.

If you are committed to improving your tennis and would like to meet other enthusiasts you should consider a tennis holiday. Tennis schools will provide accommodation and instruction and still leave you the time to sample some of Portugal’s other pleasures. Please contact us for suggestions. There are also specialist tennis holidays for children where they can make new friends and play to their heart’s content in a fun, safe environment.

For those who prefer to watch, Portugal plays host to international tennis tournaments. The most prestigous is probably the Estoril Open which takes place in late April or early May. This year's Men's Singles Final was won by Novak Djokovic of Serbia and the women's by Germany's Greta Arn. Every year Vale do Lobo in the Algarve hosts the ATP Seniors' Tour and the Senior Champions Tennis Tournament in August is a great opportunity to see tennis legends on the court.

Finally after all that tennis you’ll want to relax and Portugal is the perfect place for this. Straight after a hard game take a refreshing plunge at the nearest pool or beach. Then indulge yourself at one of Portugal’s excellent restaurants or bars or try out your new skills on the beach!

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