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Serra da Estrela Yoga Retreats in Portugal

Serra da Estrela yoga retreat

Come and join us on one of our Serra da Estrela yoga retreats and take a break from the world!

Imagine a small farmhouse nestling in the remote and picturesque foothills of the Serra de Estrela mountain range in Central Portugal. Here at the the edge of wilderness you can practice yoga daily, stroll through the forest, swim and mud bathe in rivers, breath the pure, mountain air, eat delicious, healthy food, be inspired, make new friends and simply.. retreat.

Serra da Estrela yoga retreat

Everyone is welcome on the yoga retreats, you could be new to yoga or have been practising for decades, come alone or with your friends. The retreats have been designed with a particular focus on those in need of a break. That’s why a health consultation, massage and acupuncture treatment is included in the price and the beauty and tranquility of the Serra da Estrela natural park will also work their magic!

On each retreat you will be encouraged to release any built up tension, to feel at one with nature and to reconnect to a sense of harmony and joy in life, returning home refreshed and re-energised.

Serra da Estrela yoga retreat

In 2017, from March til October, we will be holding regular retreats with inspirational and friendly leaders. There are currently ten different Serra da Estrela yoga retreat programmes scheduled for 2017 including yoga and wellness retreats and specialist retreats focussing on thai massage and yoga, whole food nutrition and yoga and more. In June there will also be a special retreats only for yoga teachers.

Please contact us for a brochure for more information on all the Serra da Estrela yoga retreats. The Serra da Estrela yoga retreats range from €800 per person per week with a discount when you book more than one week's stay.

Serra da Estrela yoga retreat

Contact Us

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

To get to Serra da Estrela from abroad we recommend flying to Lisbon or Porto. You can then catch an inexpensive but comfortable coach to the local town where you will be collected. We can help you plan your journey.

Thank you for your interest in our Serra da Estrela yoga retreats. We hope to see you soon. Serra da Estrela yoga holiday photos subject to copyright.

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Whats App: 00351910668600
yoga retreat

The yoga retreats are...

suitable for families and groups, all year round, eco friendly, transfers and gift vouchers are available!
Please contact us with any questions regarding accessibility for people with disabilities.
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