Dolphin and Whale Watching in Madeira
Our photos from dolphin and whale watching in Madeira
Watching wild whales and dolphins in their natural habitat is a fascinating experience that will stay forever in your memory. The waters around Madeira provide an ideal habitat for marine mammals and around 20 species have been spotted here including:
Common Dolphins Delphinus delphis
Atlantic Spotted Dolphins Stenella frontalis
Bottlenose Dolphins Tursiops truncatus
Striped Dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba
Pilot whales Globicephala machrorhynchus
Fin whales Balaenoptera physalus
Bryde's whales Balaenoptera edeni
Killer whales Orcinus orca
Sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus
On our dolphin and whale watching trips our experienced and friendly skipper will tell you more about these mammals and help you spot and identify them. There will also be guide books on board with more information on each species that you are welcome to browse through.
Different species are more likely to be seen at different times of the year as some migrate, so if you are particularly interested in one species please contact us for more information. While we cannot guarantee a sighting our trips have a high success rate and the islands provide a beautiful setting for the search.
We run two regular dolphin an whale watching trips, a half day trip to Cabo Girao piced at 27.50euros per person and a full day trip to Madeira's deserted islands at 80 euros per person. There is a discount for young children. There is more information on these trips on our sailing page.
Thank-you for your interest in our dolphin and whale watching trips. We hope to see you soon.
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Dolphins and whale watching in the Azores
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Madeira dolphin and whale photographs copyright:Luis Dias