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Lawn Bowling in Portugal

bowling in Portugal- Balaia bowls club

Lawn bowling in Portugal means well-kept greens with spectacular views over the coast and countryside, radiant sunshine, gentle sea breezes and interesting company. So while you are on holiday, why not enjoy a relaxing game in the sun?

A comparatively recent introduction to Portugal, bowling is rapidly growing in popularity, particularly in the Algarve. Here the sunny, mild climate means that it is possible to play outside all year round. Please contact us for tailormade lawn bowling holidays for groups.

As well as greens at some hotels, there are now established clubs that always welcome visitors. These clubs often have international membership so it is a great opportunity to make new friends and maybe represent your part of the world in a club competition. To find the nearest place to play visit our clubs in Portugal page

lawn bowls Algarve

photos copyright: Balaia bowls club, Craig Stump,.

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